“A Mandala is an archetypical image whose occurrence is attested throughout the ages. It signifies the wholeness of the self. This circular image represents the wholeness of the psychic ground or, to put it in mythic terms, the divinity incarnate in man.”


Peace | Harmony | Gratitude | Abundance

Harmony is a beautiful place between mind, body & soul measured in tender peaceful moments. Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation of all abundance. 


Flowery Eyes
(Handcrafted,  Original Available)
(l x b inches: 21 x 30)
At first glance, this Mandala looks like the upper body of a Swan, then the focus shifts to the eyes in the centre shaped in the form of a flower. “Or” Flowery Eyes. Flowery Eyes is often a colloquial term used for a positive outlook. A world of positivity starts by seeing the world with a positive vision. And that's when you can soak in all the colours that life has to offer - It’s when we remain positive, we receive more and more abundance. This Mandala is a constant reminder about this philosophy, hence spreading positivity in the house it is hung in!

Peace in your cocoon
(Handcrafted,  Original Available)
(l x b inches: 11 x 16)
You may have a strong body and mind and a confident personality, but when you are willing to be vulnerable and share your truth, you open the door to authentic connections with yourself and others. This Mandala represents the underside of a tortoise, that which is vulnerable, just like the hidden side of a human is vulnerable. And if you are gracefully vulnerable,  or aspire to be, or peacefully in your cocoon, this Mandala is meant for you!

Meeting your Buddha within
(Handcrafted,  Original Available)
(l x b inches: 15 x29)
This beautifully crafted Mandala is large and is a depiction of a meditating state that can raise your Buddha state.  Buddha state is one where all your chakras are aligned. It happens when we meditate. The energy flows through our body freely and creates a quantum force. 

It’s when we are aligned across our various chakras (energy centres in our body), we live our buddha Life, or the perfectly aligned life. And in doing that, it is said that you will live the kingly life!

Co-existential Harmony
(Handcrafted,  Original Available)
(l x b inches: 21 x 29)
Are you on the phase of your journey when you are opening yourself to newer people, experiences and places? Does it feel unnerving at times? But in life, change is inevitable, and if you accept change, and view change as progress, recognising there will be unknowns, and embracing the newness of change will help you get ready for change.If that is your stage then this Mandala is a reminder to you toI open yourself and to welcome people into my world of experiences, and learn from theirs!


Happiness in Harmony
(Digitally handcrafted, Print available)
(l x b inches : 12 x 12) 
This Mandala promotes “
Living in harmony” in peace with each other, in accordance to each other, whether in a family or within the work environment! The Mandala is a beautiful piece to hang if Harmony and Peace is what you so desire!

Circles of Peace 
(Digitally hand crafted, Print available)
(l x b inches: 12 x 12)
Black is never as black and White is never as white. The fragility of life is lived in the grey of life between the black and white. Acceptance of this is to live peacefully with all the vagaries of life. If this is your philosophy, then this Mandala is meant for you!


The fact that you are here — You are ready to explore the Infinite inside you.


Nurture, Growth, Birth, Family


Domes, Energy, Pursuit, Leadership