“A Mandala is the psychological expression of the totality of the Self”


Nurture | Growth | Birth | Family

Nurture your thoughts and grow your sub-conscious mind. We cannot be a source of strength unless we nurture our own strengths. Build a strong relationship with yourself, it’s a constant process of evolution. A strong relationship with self and your partner is when you choose to love in those moments when you struggle to even like. 

Meeting your Budda within
(Handcrafted, Original Available)
(l x b inches: 15 x 29)
This beautifully crafted large Mandala is a depiction of a meditating state that can raise your Buddha state.  Buddha state is one where all your chakras are aligned. It happens when we meditate. The energy flows through our body freely and creates a quantum force. 

It’s when we are aligned across our various chakras (energy centres in our body), we live our Buddha Life, or the perfectly aligned life. And in doing that, it is said that you will live the kingly life! If this is the life you want to live, then this Mandala on your wall will beckon you towards living it up!

Seasons of Growth
(Handcrafted, Print Available)
(l x b inches: 16 x 11)
In our life we ​​can always start from where we left off, or start growing something new that we have never tried. Are you ready for new beginnings? For new projects in your life? This Mandala beckons you towards your new avenues and keeps you on the growth path. If that’s your state of life, then this Mandala is meant for you

An Ode to the Methusselah
(Handcrafted, Original Available)
(l x b inches: 12 x 9)
The Methuselah Trees, as of 2016 stands at the ripe old age of 4,848 in the White Mountains of California, thriving on adversity, living in harsh conditions and high elevation (about 10,000 feet) where little else survives. Its wood is very dense and resinous, and thus resistant to invasion by insects and is the key to its survival. If you draw your inspiration from being resilient, then this Mandala is meant for you!

Life of Souls
(Handcrafted, Original Available)
(l x b inches: 16 x 12)
We all have a story to tell. This is a story of a life that is represented beautifully by the cross-section of a tree. It symbolises that in order to live and age gracefully, we have to know our uniqueness, our challenges, accept them and keep moving through life...it means having humility, strength, and courage as essentials to living a graceful life, isn't that what the rings of the tree signify? This Mandala is a gift for any age to oneself, or others, as a reminder, that life is to be loved and lived gracefully!


Ripples of Life
(Handcrafted, Original Available)
(l x b inches: 12 x 9)
Your choices matter. Your kindness matters. This Handcrafted Mandala reminds you to keep Kindness in your journey of life. The ripples of kindness and happiness you create, spread out farther than you could ever imagine.

Articulate your Thoughts
(Handcrafted, Original Available)
(l x b inches: 13 x 3)
When you put your thoughts into words, it is when you make them into reality! This Mandala is a constant reminder that it’s important to speak your thoughts, but with a smile, express Your Thoughts.

Being Eclectic
(Digitally hand crafted, Print available)
(l x b inches: 12 x 12)
Eclecticism is a conceptual approach that does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, but instead draws upon multiple theories, styles, or ideas to gain complementary insights into a subject, or applies different theories in particular cases.
I possess the ability to harbour varied thoughts with ease and use them to my advantage!” If this is who you are, or you know someone who is like this then this Mandala is for you!

A Family - Constellation of Stars! (Handcrafted, Original Available)
(l x b inches: 9 x 12)
The Gift of an inter-connected family is one that makes the entire family shine bright. If that is what you desire, then this mandala is your reminder to keep the family inter-connected and with that, together and strong. After-all a family is the most important constellation of life.


A Family - Constellation of Stars! (Handcrafted, Original Available)
(l x b inches: 9 x12)
The Gift of an inter-connected family is one that makes the entire family shine bright. If that is what you desire, then this mandala is your reminder to keep the family inter-connected and with that, together and strong. After all a family is the most important constellation of life.

Togetherness - Couple Love
(Not available, but similar can be customised)
(l x b inches: 12 x 16)
It’s the coming together of the yin and yang energy, may you always have abundance like this blossoming tree, together you harness each other's energy. May the sun always shine on your back as you surge ahead, together. If that is your wish for someone, then this Mandala is a perfect gift for a couple who are newly starting their life together.

Change is Inevitable - Embrace it
(Handcrafted, Original Available)
(l x b inches: 21 x 29)
Are you on the phase of your journey when you are opening yourself to newer people, experiences and places? Does it feel unnerving at times? But in life, change is inevitable, and if you accept change, and view change as progress, recognising there will be unknowns, and embracing the newness of change will help you get ready for change.If that is your stage then this Mandala is a reminder to you to open yourself and to welcome people into your world of experiences, and learn from theirs!

Birth of Baby
(Not available, but similar can be customised) ( l x b inches: 16 x 16)
This is a customised Mandala representing vibrancy, spontaneity, and balance, all rolled into one to attain glory and grandeur.


The fact that you are here —

You are ready to explore the Infinite inside you.


Focus, Confidence, Grace, Protection


Peace, Harmony, Gratitude, Abundance